The Nile Goddess.

Shah Muhammad
3 min readMay 11, 2021

In Egypt, once there was custom that somebody in the month of July, a virgin adorned with bridal garments used to be thrown in the river of Nile as a scarification to Pease and get the favor o the Goddess in order to flow the river Nile. After the introduction o f Christianity, the Egyptians grew to be Christians, then again they persisted to observe the historic custom of sacrificing a virgin to the Goddess of rive Nile.

During the caliphate of Omer, Muslim caliph, Egypt came under Muslim rule and Amr bin Al-Aas was appointed Governor of Egypt. The Egyptian Elders waited on the Governor in the month of July, and desired his permission preserving the historical custom of throwing a virgin in the river trying to find out the pleasure and favor of the Nile Goddess.

The Governor apprised the Elders that such an exercise was offensive and disgusting to the fundamental principles of Islam, therefore, as a result he disallowed such exercise in an Islamic State. He also argued that Islam recognize no Goddess of the Nile and no enquiry in the matter was needed. Islam knew only One God-Allah and Allah did not stand in want of propitiation.

On listening the argument, the Egyptian Elders were not satisfied. They warned the Governor that until the sacrifice used to be made, the river Nile would not flow in flood and the whole region would get dry. The Governor, however, remained unyielding and rigid that floods or no floods, human sacrifice would not be permitted. The Egyptian Elders went back in gloomy mood.

The month of July passed away. No sacrifice was offered, and there was no upward thrust in the degree of rive Nile. The month of August was got here and nonetheless river did not rise. The Egyptians started trembling, what would happen if the river did no longer rise. After the month of August, there was no flood in the river. The Egyptian leaders grieved and said, “That is all due to Islam. The Muslims have delivered this destiny on us.”

The Egyptians misplaced hope and most of them intended to migrate elsewhere. That made the Governor worried. He brought all this story in the knowledge of Omer and desired his instructions in the matter. Hadrat Omer did not allow the scarification of human being. Omer wrote to the Governor and along with the letter, dispatched a card on which it was written;

Addressing the river Nile.

“Everything in the Universe, belongs Allah Almighty, the upward jostle in your degree is challenge to the will of Allah, and we pray to Allah to command you to upward jab in level.”

Hadrat Omer requested the Governor, to throw this card n the river. the Governor complied with order of Caliph Omer and throw the card in the river the Muslims assembled on the riverbank lifted their fingers in prayers searching for the benefits of Allah. The card floated on the river floor of the Nile for some distance and it disappeared.

On the consequence morning, the river rose to its full flood height. Verily Allah had commanded the river to flow and it ended the evil custom of sacrificing the virgin to get favor of Goddess. That was the vindication of Islam. In view of the matter, many Egyptians converted to Islam.

